Top Ten Gender Issues Books

1. The New Thought Police: Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds by Tammy Bruce

2. Ceasefire: Why Women and Men Must Join Forces to Achieve True Equality by Cathy Young

3. Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women by Christina Hoff Sommers

4. The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers

5. Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism by Daphne Patai

6. The Case for Marriage: Why Married People are Happier, Healthier, and Better Off Financially by Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher

7. The Hillary Trap: Looking For Power In All The Wrong Places by Laura Ingraham

8. The Baby Boon: How Family-Friendly America Cheats The Childless by Elinor Burkett

9. Divorced Dads: Shattering The Myths by Sanford L. Braver, Ph.D., with Diane O'Connell

10. The Kinder, Gentler Military: Can America's Gender-Neutral Fighting Force Still Win Wars? by Stephanie Gutmann

10. Gun Women: Firearms and Feminism in Contemporary America by Mary Zeiss Stange and Carol K. Oyster

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